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GAWS Graduates 2024 Calendar Competition – ENTRIES OPEN

We are calling out for GAWS Graduates to feature in our 2024 calendar.

Only two requirements to enter:

  1. Was your pet adopted from GAWS?
  2. Is this pet beautiful and precious? Well, of course it is – at GAWS every life is!

If you answered yes to both, then enter your pet into our GAWS GRADUATES 2024 CALENDAR competition.

All GAWS Graduates are invited to enter our competition for the opportunity to become 1 of 13 calendar ambassadors (including our front cover model).

This year’s theme is ‘From Lost to Luxe’.  Show us your pet at their happiest and most spoilt – if you can catch them in the act!

To enter, submit up to 2 landscape images of your beloved pet along with a few sentences about them (ie. tell us about their personality, what you love most about them, what they love the most).

Let’s see who we can find this year to make a star!

Click here to Enter 


  • You can submit up to TWO (2) different LANDSCAPE images of your pet (please note - images MUST be landscape)
  • Image size to be no smaller than 1MB - the bigger the better.
  • Your images must combine to be LESS THAN 10mb.
  • Animal must have been adopted from Geelong Animal Welfare Society (GAWS). We may request additional information to enable us to verify this
  • Competition is open to all past GAWS Graduates (including those adopted by staff, former staff and volunteers)
  • Competition closes 11:59pm Sunday, 17 September 2023 with finalists announced Tuesday 3rd October 2023 (via website, Facebook & Instagram)

Tips & tricks for your photo entry


Natural lighting is key.

Take your photo in the middle of the day and try to position your animal by a window.

Example: Evening photo with artificial light vs day time by a window


Ensure the surrounding area around your pet is free from household items. Keeping your shot tight (close up) will eliminate the background 'noise' that can be present in a home.


Get your pet's attention:

Using your pet's favourite toy or treat, hold it behind the camera to get your pets attention. It may take a squeak of a toy, a silly sound from you - but it works as their eyes and ears will look alert.  An engaged pet really comes through the lens and brings your pet's personality out.



We’re calling on businesses to support the animals at GAWS through the GAWS GRADUATES 2024 CALENDAR.

For a small sponsorship fee, we’d like to offer local businesses an opportunity to gain exposure through our GAWS Graduates Calendar program. Your sponsorship will ensure that 100% of the proceeds from the sales of the calendars go directly toward supporting the animals in care at GAWS with everything they need before finding their forever homes.

Contact the marketing and fundraising team at GAWS for more information, email fundraising@gaws.org.au


24 August 2023
Category: News